How to send invoices to a Gnosis Safe using Bulla
This page goes over adding an invoice within Gnosis and seeing it get paid
Last updated
This page goes over adding an invoice within Gnosis and seeing it get paid
Last updated
In this example, our Gnosis Safe will send an invoice to another user (Metamask wallet).
When connected as the Gnosis Safe, press 'Create Invoice'.
Once the invoice details are entered, press 'Send' to approve the gas to create this accounting (NFT). NOTE: Gas will be charged to the current signatory wallet and NOT the shared Gnosis wallet.
Press 'Confirm' and located the Pending Receivables in the Home page:
Let's have a look how this might look for the other wallet sharing in our same Gnosis wallet.
REMEMBER - Bulla Banker can be used both with Gnosis Safe AND standalone (i.e. Metamask). The invoice is NOT displayed for this Bulla, even though this wallet is also an owner of the Gnosis Safe. Only when connecting to Bulla Banker as the Gnosis Safe can the invoice be displayed and paid.
To view claims addressed to the Gnosis wallet, you must connect to the Safe.
The pending receivable is now displayed.
We could open this invoice and look at the details.
It is interesting that at this point - even though the invoice has been created and sent -ANY signatory, could RESCIND the invoice. The invoice will be seen as rescinded by any signatory - as well as the invoiced person.
Let's add the Account Tag - to keep things a little organized in our company. We see there is another tag already started - MikeDAO services - let's modify the invoice to this existing tag.
We enter pull down ..
Looking at the Gnosis Transactions - we see an invoice contact interaction and NFT creation have been made. We also see a contract interaction - for changing the accounting tags
Let's observe what our invoiced person sees using their wallet and the Bulla APP.
They will load their wallet and go
They will see their payables to the Gnosis wallet. (0xf68e8A8713e5A43a3d20C444161e08a4c8BFf6bb)
As we used an email to notify the invoiced person, they should have in their email the following:
Let's have this user pay the 1.25 for Figma designs. As we are billing in ERC20, the payor must approve the spend of their ERC20.
Confirm and modal changes to PAY
The user goes to View All Payments and sees
We also see in the Bulla Banker app inside Gnosis and updated dashboard.
Let's connect to our shared Gnosis wallet - use the settings icon at top right
Back in Bulla Banker, go to the invoice in question and press to see events relating to this claim.